Система хранения 1нных EonStor GS 3000 2U/24bay, cloud-integrated unified storage, supports NAS, block, object storage and cloud gateway, dual redundant controller subsystem including 4x12Gb/s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G iSCSI por
Система хранения 1нных EonStor GS 3000 2U/24bay, cloud-integrated unified storage, supports NAS, block, object storage and cloud gateway, dual redundant controller subsystem including 4x12Gb/s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G iSCSI por

Система хранения 1нных EonStor GS 3000 2U/24bay, cloud-integrated unified storage, supports NAS, block, object storage and cloud gateway, dual redundant controller subsystem including 4x12Gb/s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G iSCSI por

855 191 p

id товара [27271]
Артикул GS 3024RCBF-D

Система хранения данных EonStor GS 3000 2U/24bay, cloud-integrated unified storage, supports NAS, block, object storage and cloud gateway, dual redundant controller subsystem including 4x12Gb/s SAS EXP. ports, 4x1G iSCSI por (GS 3024RCBF-D)

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